Have you ever stopped to think about what the word Sabbath means? We live our life, taking children to school, working two jobs to make ends meet, traffic, noise, pain, suffering, and when tragedy strikes our life, we scream from within... STOP! Enough is enough.
We need some down time every week! Even God rested at the end of his six days of work. God said, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." There is a reason for the Sabbath Rest, WE NEED IT!
Our societies are spinning out of control! We are not spending time with God and seeking His Word, His life. Sabbath is a good thing! We know that every Sabbath, we will have time to spend with family, friends and our Creator. Its a day, when we can let the world and all its troubles fade! A time to rejuvenate our mind, body and soul.
This is a special gift from God! He created us, and has given us His Word, as a guide for healthy living. We should study and understand, what God, our Creator is saying. We can compare it to this: Say someone gives you a brand new BMW, and you Ignore its manual. The car falls apart! That is how it is with us! He has given all we need, to understand, yet we Ignore Him and toss out one of His GREATEST gifts, The Holy Sabbath Day!
You see, God is our friend! He loves us and longs for us to obtain our hearts desire! He asks us to SLOW down in life, read our manual, His Word, and enjoy our time spent with Him. This is the main reason He has given us our "Special Day", the Sabbath.
Now, imagine with me, as we take time to enjoy what God has made for families. Watch with me a moment. Friday evening is here. Remember, Sabbath begins and ends by the sun. Your weeks work is finished. Home is peaceful, your children are sitting by the warm glowing fire as you share the story of redemtion how God gave up His only Son, Jesus, so we could live forever, with Him! Quiet music, softly playing ,and all your family laughing, talking, sharing stories and experiences of the past week. This is just the beginning of some down time, with God and our families! If we don't take these precious moments God has given, 24 hours of reflection, we miss the blessings He has in store for us!
All through His Holy Word, He tells us to "Remember The Sabbath Day". If you notice this is the only commandment, He mentions the word, remember. Exodus 20:8. I believe it's because He knew, we would get SO busy in our daily life's, with work, children, sickness, running here and there, finances, vacations....He understood, down through the generations of time, we would forget to stop and spend time with Him! Again, He is saying, Slow down and remember your Creator, take time to refresh, renew, and prepare for another week. "I am the Life and The Way!" We NEED Him in order to survive the trials each day! He knows we cannot live without HIM! This life is difficult, and if we don't take time to rest we will break under the stress of it all!
I personally LOVE the Sabbath Day! It is a blessing and I cannot imagine going through this life without it! I look forward to spending special time with our family, bible studies and worshiping God with our church family! Singing praises and lifting His name is a privilege! When Friday night is here, I know I can forget about the trials of life and focus on HIM!

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