Always Pray.. And Not Give Up!
Another meaning for taking a break in our frenized life, is staying connected with Him, through prayer!
Prayer to me is more than saying the blessing before I eat, or even getting on my knees just before I go to bed...It's a life changing experience! When you really understand the POWER of prayer... it becomes, each breath you take, each thought you process, and the strength you need each moment, of every day!
Psalms: 150:6

"Let Everything That Has Breath Praise The Lord."
I Believe Praise is The Language Of Heaven! Lets take a closer look. If your best friend only spent a few minutes a week with you, would you be hurt? What if when she called you, she only asked to borrow something or to complain about her life. She never asks how you are doing, or strikes a genuine conversation by listening to you. If you did get the chance to speak, she would only grumble or criticize about what you thought. It wouldn't take long for you to wonder about your relationship!
Compare this to how you comunicate to your Best Friend and Saviour! Is your prayer one sided! Do you complain and treat Him like He owes you something? Do you only talk to Him, regarding your wish list or problems in life?
I think we sometimes forget He is "King Of Kings" and "Lord of Lords," Holy and worthy of all our praise!
Our soul yearns to develope a friendship, a relationship with Him... we do this through prayer and spending time with Him! Think of prayer as "The Circle Of Life"! It's Perpetual. Meaning continueous, uninterupted, lasting and eternal! Our connection between heaven and earth! A relationship is built on spending time with the one you love, your hearts desire! When you are with the one you love, do you criticize, complain and find fault or do you admire and praise him?
I have a book written by Don Gossett, "There's Dynamite in Praise." This is where I first began to understand the concept of the power of praise! He shares the scripture Psalms 22:3. "Thou are Holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." This is powerful! God inhabits our praises! Meaning He manifests Himself when we praise Him! It makes since to me, to adore and praise Him as we pray. This glorify's His name, (Psalms 50:23.) and we are unleashing the power of praise! God enjoys our Affirmation. I imagine God, longing to spend time with us. Maybe how we pray makes a difference to how He responds. Praise is Gods will. "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Praise is an expression of love! Can we also say praise is an expression of faith? Sometimes I may not feel like praising because I have had a pretty rough day. But God says, "Praise Anyway". (Philippians 4:4) Because there is POWER in praise! It can lift your spirits, loose you from any bondage and give you victory in all circumstances! "Prayer and praise are two wings of spiritual power!"

As we continue on this journey of life, lets not forget, to use the power God has given us, prayer and praise. If Praise is the language of heaven, we need to make it our language on earth!
All heaven lives to Praise God! "And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and you that fear him, both small and great." (Revelation 19:5)
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