Saturday, July 22, 2006
God Rested Too!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Quiet Time With Him

"Be Still and Know That I am God."
Psalms 46:10
As time passes in my life, I begin to realize the importance of being alone with God. Daily tasks seems to be pulling us along. If we don't stop and spend that quiet hour each day with Him, life will spin out of control.
Every day is a new opportunity to spend quality time with the Master of the universe! When I think about the privilege He has bestowed upon us, to come before Him alone, it amazes me! The God of the Universe, Creator of galaxy's, King of Kings and Lord of Lords desires time alone with me! Wow! How I choose to spend that time, makes all the difference in the world. Praise and thanksgiving seem to be a small gift, a sacrificial gift. I find the quiet times, when I wait upon Him, to be the most sacred. John 4:23 says: "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." This text points out that God seeks us out. I love that thought! He seeks us! If He is seeking me I want to make sure I am spending quite time with my Saviour.
I yearn for these quiet times every day, but I especially cherish the Sabbath, a day when we can spend 24 hours of precious time with Him. Time to nurish our hearts, minds and souls with His love. He understood we needed this life giving time to survive especially down to this generation! If you love the Lord with your life, you will give Him your time!
Remember to spend time with the one who can give you rest for your soul. Even when your day is filled with trials and hard times, when you have His peace, a peace that passes all understanding and His strength you can do all things!
"Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Steps To Christ - Bible Studies
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Spending Time With Friends...

I was blessed today! Healing Heart, by Huguley Hospital and University Singers, from Southwestern Adventist University, were invited to worship with the Crowley Seventh-Day Adventist Church. We shared a work called "Because He Lives" by Russell Mauldin.
Singing praise to God, is always a blessing. As our praises were lifted upward, our hearts were drawn close to the heart of our Creator. I am always reminded, "God Inhabits Praise". I picture as we are singing to Him, His Spirit moving upon us refreshing our hearts, minds and souls, giving His strength to each person as we worship Him. His strength, His refreshing, His love is what will give us the ability to endure another week of life. This time with Him, is life giving. He yearns for us to take what He offers...... Know Him, Love Him Search for Him. Praise, releases His power! There is Power In Praise! This is only one of many of His blessings received by spending time with Him.
Lunch is always an art with Healing Heart! We can ALWAYS count on having
the best of both worlds, fantastic food along with wonderful friends! We enjoyed sitting around laughing, sharing stories, and just relaxing! A warm Texas breeze, and the big blue skies are always an added ingredient to our times together. Just
another reason I love the Sabbath! Time not thinking about needing to get back to work, grocery shopping, or basic worries of life. God is Good! He knows we need
time, set aside, to fellowship with Him and our Friends. It's all about People!
Relationships. Nothing on this earth matters more, than people. It makes me
think about Jesus when He was on this earth. He cared for people. Meet their basic needs. Friends were very important to Him, and He was always surrounded by them.
So today, I just want to thank Him again, for another wonderful Sabbath, a gift
He gave to each one of us!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
An Expression Of Love!

Always Pray.. And Not Give Up!
Another meaning for taking a break in our frenized life, is staying connected with Him, through prayer!
Prayer to me is more than saying the blessing before I eat, or even getting on my knees just before I go to bed...It's a life changing experience! When you really understand the POWER of prayer... it becomes, each breath you take, each thought you process, and the strength you need each moment, of every day!
Psalms: 150:6

"Let Everything That Has Breath Praise The Lord."
I Believe Praise is The Language Of Heaven! Lets take a closer look. If your best friend only spent a few minutes a week with you, would you be hurt? What if when she called you, she only asked to borrow something or to complain about her life. She never asks how you are doing, or strikes a genuine conversation by listening to you. If you did get the chance to speak, she would only grumble or criticize about what you thought. It wouldn't take long for you to wonder about your relationship!
Compare this to how you comunicate to your Best Friend and Saviour! Is your prayer one sided! Do you complain and treat Him like He owes you something? Do you only talk to Him, regarding your wish list or problems in life?
I think we sometimes forget He is "King Of Kings" and "Lord of Lords," Holy and worthy of all our praise!
Our soul yearns to develope a friendship, a relationship with Him... we do this through prayer and spending time with Him! Think of prayer as "The Circle Of Life"! It's Perpetual. Meaning continueous, uninterupted, lasting and eternal! Our connection between heaven and earth! A relationship is built on spending time with the one you love, your hearts desire! When you are with the one you love, do you criticize, complain and find fault or do you admire and praise him?
I have a book written by Don Gossett, "There's Dynamite in Praise." This is where I first began to understand the concept of the power of praise! He shares the scripture Psalms 22:3. "Thou are Holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." This is powerful! God inhabits our praises! Meaning He manifests Himself when we praise Him! It makes since to me, to adore and praise Him as we pray. This glorify's His name, (Psalms 50:23.) and we are unleashing the power of praise! God enjoys our Affirmation. I imagine God, longing to spend time with us. Maybe how we pray makes a difference to how He responds. Praise is Gods will. "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Praise is an expression of love! Can we also say praise is an expression of faith? Sometimes I may not feel like praising because I have had a pretty rough day. But God says, "Praise Anyway". (Philippians 4:4) Because there is POWER in praise! It can lift your spirits, loose you from any bondage and give you victory in all circumstances! "Prayer and praise are two wings of spiritual power!"

As we continue on this journey of life, lets not forget, to use the power God has given us, prayer and praise. If Praise is the language of heaven, we need to make it our language on earth!
All heaven lives to Praise God! "And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and you that fear him, both small and great." (Revelation 19:5)
Monday, March 27, 2006
A Special Gift!

Have you ever stopped to think about what the word Sabbath means? We live our life, taking children to school, working two jobs to make ends meet, traffic, noise, pain, suffering, and when tragedy strikes our life, we scream from within... STOP! Enough is enough.
We need some down time every week! Even God rested at the end of his six days of work. God said, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." There is a reason for the Sabbath Rest, WE NEED IT!
Our societies are spinning out of control! We are not spending time with God and seeking His Word, His life. Sabbath is a good thing! We know that every Sabbath, we will have time to spend with family, friends and our Creator. Its a day, when we can let the world and all its troubles fade! A time to rejuvenate our mind, body and soul.
This is a special gift from God! He created us, and has given us His Word, as a guide for healthy living. We should study and understand, what God, our Creator is saying. We can compare it to this: Say someone gives you a brand new BMW, and you Ignore its manual. The car falls apart! That is how it is with us! He has given all we need, to understand, yet we Ignore Him and toss out one of His GREATEST gifts, The Holy Sabbath Day!
You see, God is our friend! He loves us and longs for us to obtain our hearts desire! He asks us to SLOW down in life, read our manual, His Word, and enjoy our time spent with Him. This is the main reason He has given us our "Special Day", the Sabbath.
Now, imagine with me, as we take time to enjoy what God has made for families. Watch with me a moment. Friday evening is here. Remember, Sabbath begins and ends by the sun. Your weeks work is finished. Home is peaceful, your children are sitting by the warm glowing fire as you share the story of redemtion how God gave up His only Son, Jesus, so we could live forever, with Him! Quiet music, softly playing ,and all your family laughing, talking, sharing stories and experiences of the past week. This is just the beginning of some down time, with God and our families! If we don't take these precious moments God has given, 24 hours of reflection, we miss the blessings He has in store for us!
All through His Holy Word, He tells us to "Remember The Sabbath Day". If you notice this is the only commandment, He mentions the word, remember. Exodus 20:8. I believe it's because He knew, we would get SO busy in our daily life's, with work, children, sickness, running here and there, finances, vacations....He understood, down through the generations of time, we would forget to stop and spend time with Him! Again, He is saying, Slow down and remember your Creator, take time to refresh, renew, and prepare for another week. "I am the Life and The Way!" We NEED Him in order to survive the trials each day! He knows we cannot live without HIM! This life is difficult, and if we don't take time to rest we will break under the stress of it all!
I personally LOVE the Sabbath Day! It is a blessing and I cannot imagine going through this life without it! I look forward to spending special time with our family, bible studies and worshiping God with our church family! Singing praises and lifting His name is a privilege! When Friday night is here, I know I can forget about the trials of life and focus on HIM!