My understanding of God has been a slower process than my understanding of His Son, Jesus. But this week, He revealed Himself to me a little more. A glimpse of deeper understanding of God is shimmering like a hidden treasure, when we search Him. He not only is our Father but He LONGS to be our friend and share a unique relationship with each of us. He yearns for us to spend time with Him. I think we tend to see Him as distant, stern and non involved. If we think about what Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father." We would look at God very differently.
Because God is perfect and cannot be a part of sin, that's His Character, The cross becomes symbolic of His Mercy! He made a way for you and I to come face to face with Him. That's a WOW! Mercy becomes more meaningful than law! He loved us more than He loved life itself! He is the Lover of our soul! Sin equals death, period! If God in His mercy had not given of Himself, through His Son, not one person would be able to experience eternal life! Only death. He didn't give death to us, but sin gave this sentence to the human race. Sin is self love, and God is selfless! Sin and Love cannot coexist! We are living in a selfish world, man is consumed with selfishness, that is what sin is all about, its a terrible state of existence! Sin has intruded into the law of the Universe, like a parasite! The laws of the universe are based on love, selflessness.
It is a concept that is difficult for us to grasp because we live on a planet that is consumed and in love with self! When Jesus came, He turned everything upside down! He was selfless! God is the same way! Selfless! This planet is in a state of emergency! Invaded with sin. There is only one way out and that is accepting the plan for being rescued! JESUS! How do I do that? Die to self daily! Look into the mirror look at your sinful self and say NO. Live one moment at a time choosing to let go of sin, self and live your life hidden in Jesus. We cannot have a personal relationship with God in a sinful state, we will never see Him face to face, because His perfect life would consume us! Because of His mercy He made a way for us to escape sin, the cross! God is Love! He loves us so much He could not bear to watch sin kill us forever, so He died in our place, the eternal death! His love, destroyed the power of sin over us! God wants to hold us, laugh and walk with us again one on one, so he provided a way to do that again, just like the good old days with Adam and Eve! He misses us!
God is love! A person of three that LONGS to communicate the depth of His love to us. Long ago His friend became jealous of Jesus, His Son and set out to destroy God's name with lies about His Character, and today he, Satan is still raging the battle, the great controversy over God's Character. He blames God for all the trials, pain, sickness and even death! I hear people say, where is God when 911 happened? If there is a God, why are there famines, war, cancer, children being molested, murder and on and on. All I can say is the path of sin, selfishness, is being played out on this planet. Sin equals death! When sin is allowed, destruction follows! This is Satan's kingdom, this is what he has to offer! Mercy shows up when we accept Jesus, and hold on for the ride while sin reveals its ugly head! This life as we know it right now, will NOT last forever, there is a war raging over each person born on this planet and we can choose life, in the name of Jesus or death by holding on to sin! It's that simple. I have seen what death offers and I am not interested! The battle that is taking place is the battle of our souls. Satan thrives at lying and doe's all he can to keep people from knowing the truth. Keeping us too busy with life, to spend time alone with the God of Creation in His word, to really know Him. Because if we really understood and knew God, we would RUN from sin! Satan has twisted the truth! The truth is God LOVES us and is giving us the choice to accept His plan, love Him and let Him protect you from the results of sin, DEATH! Sin is SO powerful it killed His Son! If we do not accept Jesus' gift, and take His life to cover ours, we will experience eternal death. God and sin cannot coexist and there is Nothing more God can do to protect us from the results of choosing a sinful life.
I love God more today and more each day as I spend time with Him! I truly don't understand why He didn't just say, forget them! We rejected and despised Him and yet He still loved us and died for us, the eternal death! That kind of love is very hard for me to understand. We all have experienced rejection, denial and even betrayal, it's easy to walk away from people who hurt you. Yet God says, wait a minute, I offer something deeper than sin, selfishness. I offer love. Even if you spit on me, reject me, hate me or even betray me, I still love you. Let me show you how much I love you by coming down and dying for you even if it means loosing my life!